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Va Suspense Dates VA Disability Claims Research HadIt coms VA Disability Community Vets helping Vets since 1997

what does suspense date mean

I bump into it again and again, and simply dont know what to do to answer the VA slam I know is coming over it… „records were silent of the complaint from 89-95” etc… The VA Hotline called me yesterday evening about the status of my claims.

what does suspense date mean

Answer Question

He stated that today (as it was past 5 pm when he called), he would try to get some answers on why there was a suspense date on it trial balance without any explanation. As far a VA suspense dates, and deferred claims… I have seen TDIU deferred alot for some reason, even when all the other claims were adressed. I have seem some others things deferred for medical opinions, even after they alreday had one, for some reason they wanted a specialist.

  • You will be notified of date, time and place to report.
  • The only thing that changed was in Nov. 06, my rep and I sent in application for the TDIU.
  • It all boggles the mind that they changed the suspense date, which is a good thing I am presuming but not until 3 months after the original suspense date.
  • They said they are requesting a medical examination.

Are you a voter in ‘suspense’? Here’s how to clear that up before Election Day.

  • I haven’t even gotten a computer generated letter form the VA telling me they are working on my claim.
  • So even if they had to get updated info from doctor (which I already provided when filling out form for TDIU in Nov.) What could they be possibly be waiting for?
  • It just seems odd, that when I went for my original C & P exam in May 06, in Montrose, the VA Dr. looked at my knee along with the rest for my Chiari and wrote info down.
  • I submitted for my claim on June 9th of this year, with a C&P Exam for my MH increase on July 1st.
  • I’m not even sure who is supposed to give said „decision”, but at least it’s somewhat moving.

Certain ZIP codes – like 78705, the area just west of UT Austin’s campus, and in Central Austin – have higher numbers of suspended voters. They also have a higher concentration of apartment complexes and all that churn from folks moving in and out. In Travis County, 139,275 voters are on the list of suspended voters, according to the county tax assessor-collector. That’s out of around 886,000 registered voters in 2022.

what does suspense date mean

answers to this question

If you’re in Travis County, you can check your status at VoteTravis.com. And if you’re one of those suspended voters, you may very well have questions. I have run into retired doctors, and doctors who destroyed all records after a certain period of time.

They stated that for me, they needed additional information or evidence, then under that they requested a medical examination. Which I will be notified of when, where and time. I’m thinking hubby thought it was box of trash to be shredded etc. I think mine was because of the little information I have, which is all good info and connecting info, but still nonetheless only a few things.

So my supplemental claim is still „open”, however, my MH increase is awaiting a decision. I’m not even sure who is supposed to give said „decision”, but at least it’s somewhat moving. The rep on suspense account the phone stated that the increase claim had a suspense date of September 6th on it. He sort of explained it in a roundabout way, without giving too many details.

VA Disability Claims: 5 Game-Changing Precedential Decisions You Need to Know

  • That’s out of around 886,000 registered voters in 2022.
  • „There are a lot of reasons that the card either comes back or doesn’t come back to us.”
  • What does it mean when the suspense date in the VA computer changes?
  • If you’re in Travis County, you can check your status at VoteTravis.com.
  • If they have to do that, then they will enter a new suspense date reflecting the date they asked the third party to submit the evidence by.

The VA takes a look see on April 1rst and notices that your doctor hasn’t yet submitted the request info and they send him a second request asking him to again send the records. They give him an additional 60 days to do (or until June 1rst). They would then set another suspense date on your claim for June 1 to see if that requested evidence as arrived from your doctor. Elfant’s office sends out voter registration checks every two years. When folks don’t answer them, they go onto the suspended voters list.

what does suspense date mean


Some recent messaging from Gov. Greg Abbott may lead you to believe you’re in violation of state law if you’re a suspended voter. https://www.facebook.com/BooksTimeInc Being in suspense is sort of like being in limbo between being on the voter rolls or off the rolls altogether.

Important Information

You will be notified of date, time and place to report. I already had one, but a second one to get this moving is ok too.(remember this is Oct, 2006) I haven’t gottent one single piece of paper from the VA since this award letter. Before this I would receive the computer generated letter every 2 months stating. We are still processing your aplication for COMPENSATION. I just can’t figure why, one I haven’t gotten a date for another C&P and two, why I haven’t gotten a computer generated letter. The only thing that changed was in Nov. 06, my rep and I sent in application for the TDIU.

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